The Body in Tune & Tracking
Self-regulation through Tuning Board™ learning from Its Innovator
Dates : Oct 11-13, 2025 (Saturday- Monday)
Location: Tokyo,Japan
Instructor : Darrell Sanchez
Assistant Instructor : Hiroyoshi Tahata
Interpreter : Satomi Furukawa
CE credits : Rolfing® 3 Elective credits (Separate registration fee required)
“It is a brilliant invention that enriches every kind of somatic work, particularly SE. To directly learn with Darrell about the many faceted possibilities of using the Tuning Board, is an exquisite opportunity to deepen your own clinical skills”. – Founder of Somatic Experiencing®, Peter Levine, Ph.D.
The Tuning Board™ is a transformative tool that helps clients discover a more comfortable and stable balance under gravity field by enhancing their awareness of their own bodies. It can be integrated seamlessly into bodywork or touch therapy sessions to consolidate the results achieved on the massage table. Alternatively, clients can stand on it from the outset, allowing careful tracking to cultivate somatic resources such as grounding, centering, openness, connection, and orienting.
We are delighted to welcome Darrell Sanchez, the innovator of the Tuning Board™, to lead this workshop. Over the first three days, participants will learn the fundamentals of using the Tuning Board™. This class explores the dynamic interplay between stability and mobility, helping participants enhance their kinesthetic awareness and deepen their sense of embodiment.
Darrell’s exceptional tracking skills transcend specific techniques, providing valuable insights for practitioners and therapists across disciplines. As the work primarily focuses on seated and standing positions, it offers practical tools that can be directly applied in psychological therapy settings and adapted for clients who may have difficulty maintaining a standing position.
Integration with Tuning Board ™
Collaborating workshop with Darrell Sanchez and Hiroyoshi Tahata
Dates : Oct15–17, 2025 (Saturday- Monday)
Location: Tokyo,Japan
Co-teacher : Darrell Sanchez / Hiroyoshi Tahata
Interpreter : Satomi Furukawa
CE credits : Rolfing® 3 Elective credits(Separate registration fee required)
“… no situation exists in a human which a psychologist would diagnose as a feeling of insecurity or inadequacy unless it is accompanied by a physical situation which bears witness to the fact that the gravitational support is inadequate.” – Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.
Body balance depends on much more than the stability of physical structures. It also involves the vestibular system (responsible for equilibrium), proprioception (awareness of body position), spatial awareness, joint coordination, the tensile balance of the fascial network, interoception, and the visual system. These elements interact to create and maintain the body’s overall stability and harmony.
However, factors such as injuries, illnesses, medications, aging, and psychological influences can undermine this balance and reduce confidence in one’s body. To help restore affected bodies, this three-day class incorporates hands-on techniques to enhance the body’s gravitational support. The outcomes achieved on the massage table are applied in gravitational contexts, particularly standing posture, using the Tuning Board to foster greater adaptability.
People engage with their balance and movement most effectively when they perceive their surroundings as safe. This workshop provides a safe environment to explore the relationship between awareness and the voluntary and involuntary movements that arise within this space.
Together with Darrell, a psychotherapist with a doctorate and over 50 years of experience as a Rolfer, participants will explore, through experiential learning and hands-on practice, what integration truly means.
I, Hiroyoshi Tahata, am deeply honored to invite Darrell Sanchez to Japan. Ever since I was profoundly impressed by his demonstration during my basic training for teaching a one-day workshop on “integration,” I have hoped to learn from him and dreamed of co-teaching with him.
The cost of both workshops is variable depending on the number of participants, ranging from ¥120,000 to ¥170,000 JPN. (without VAT)
To find out more, please follow this link.
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